Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowThe role of an hermaphrodite as a guest character in 1998's appearance in the wacky crime-drama Good Guys Bad Guys also got her noticed. The actress, who played a passenger stuck on an alien planet as one of the characters in the movie of 2000 "Pitch Black" She was also contacted to read auditions for an upcoming sci-fi drama which was set to premiere in Australia. While the producers of the show wanted to recruit an American actress, the casting agent believed Black was perfect to be the character. Black had an audition in Sydney and won the part of Aeryn sun on "Farscape." This actress not only portrayed her character's strength and toughness, but developed an incredibly intense sexual connection to Ben Browder as human astronaut John Crichton. The show grew in popularity, Aeryn developed into a captivating and extremely watchable persona and she gained thousands of followers. In the aftermath of that series, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran. She also she continued to increase her voiceover work in films, television and video games. After a number of repeat role as a character in "The Originals", Black made her comeback to TV with the exciting thriller "Containment". An exotic brunette, she could convey the strength of a woman and a sexy aura, Australian actress Claudia Black was a hit for her role as Aeryn the commando pilot who learned to control her emotions, as seen in Farscape (Sci-Fi Channel 1999-2003). The Sydney-born performer was a finalist in her"Containment," a Globe Shakespeare competition and toured Europe as Portia for the role of Portia in "The Merchant of Venice."


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